

Dear Users,

The Managing Authority has updated the version of JeMS to v.12.0.1-P which includes new features. 

For additional information, you can access the JeMS user manual HERE 

IMPORTANT: In the upper right corner of the User Manual page select the version you are working on (version 12)!

JeMS accessibility

Dear JeMS users,

We wanted to let you know that JeMS will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled technical maintenance and updates starting 12:00 AM on 6th February 2025. We expect to complete the maintenance by 12:00 AM on 7th February 2025.

Thank you for your understanding, and we’ll have the system up and running as soon as possible!

Public consultations on the upcoming call for indirect support to SMEs

The Managing Authority of the Bulgaria-Serbia programme is launching public consultations on the upcoming call for proposals under Priority 2 ‘Integrated territorial development”. The call is designed to contribute to the Programme’s Strategy for Integrated Territorial Development by strengthening regional competitiveness. Beneficiaries are pre-defined business support organizations from the region - the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. 

QUESTION & ANSWERS of Public consultations on the forthcoming open call under Priority 1: “Competitive Border Region”

The Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027 Programme launched on 9 December 2024 the guidance package for applicants, which is now available for public consultation, under Priority 1: "Competitive Border Region", Specific Objective 1.3: "Improving Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness of SMEs and Job Creation in SMEs, including from Productive Investments".

Here you may find the comments received. 

Fifth meeting of the Strategic Council, Niš, December 12, 2024.

On December 12, 2024, the Fifth meeting of the Strategic Board for Cross-Border Cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia was held in Niš, Serbia, at the Regional Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was opened by co-chairs Mrs. Tatjana Panić-Živković - Sector Manager for development of Infrastructure and Sustainable Development of the “South" Regional Development Agency in Serbia, and Mr. Zlatko Zhivkov, Mayor of Montana Municipality in Bulgaria.

Simplified Tender Procedure "Organization of joint events" ref. BGRS0100003-TD07

The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for Emergency Management is launching a Simplified Tender procedure "Organization of joint events" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region” with financial assistance from the Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria – Serbia 2021 - 2027 Programme. The tender dossier is available below.

The Fifth Meeting of the Strategic Council is about to be held.

The Fifth Meeting of the Strategy Board for the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria-Serbia Programme 2021 – 2027 will be held on 12th December 2024 in Niš, Serbia. The upcoming Strategy Board meeting will discuss the initiative for providing indirect support to SMEs, with the expected outcome being the approval of the initiative and consensus on its further development into a full project proposal for submission under a targeted call.

Public consultations on the forthcoming open call under Priority 1 “Competitive border region”

The Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria–Serbia Programme 2021–2027 launches the package with guidelines for applicants, now available for public consultation, under Priority 1: “Competitive Border Region”, Specific Objective 1.3: “Enhancing Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness of SMEs and Job Creation in SMEs, including by Productive Investments”.

The purpose of this call is to identify project proposals that will:

Tender procedure "Printing of educational materials"

National Association of Volunteers in Republic of Bulgaria has published tender dossier regarding tender procedure "Printing of educational materials" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professionals’ teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region - RESPONSE.

Location: Bulgaria

Contracting authority: National Association of Volunteers in Republic of Bulgaria