
Information Campaign for Applicants under the Call for Direct Support of SMEs

The Joint Secretariat of the Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria - Serbia Programme 2021 - 2027 will conduct an information campaign for applicants under the call for project proposals under Priority 1: Competitive Cross-Border Region with specific objective RSO1.3. “Promoting sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including through productive investments.”

Smart Solutions for Tourism: New Projects under the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria – Serbia Programme to Develop the Cross-Border Region with an Investment of €8.38 Million

The first 10 projects, with a total budget of €8,382,491, under Priority 2 "Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region" of the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria – Serbia 2021-2027 Programme, mark the beginning of the practical implementation of the programme’s Integrated Territorial Strategy, aimed at developing an attractive, all-season tourism product through smart solutions.

Contract award notice for tender procedure "Organization of joint events" ref. BGRS0100003-TD07

Contracting authority: Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for emergency management

The Contract award notice for tender "Organization of joint events" under the project “Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region” is attached below.

Key Decisions for future projects taken at the Sixth Meeting of the Strategic Board for the Management of the Territorial Strategy under the Interreg VI A Bulgaria-Serbia Programme

Key decisions for future projects were made during the Sixth Meeting of the Strategic Board for the Management of the Territorial Strategy under the Interreg VI A Bulgaria-Serbia Programme. The online meeting was opened by the co-chairs from Bulgaria and Serbia - Tihomir Antonov, Deputy Mayor of Montana Municipality, and Tatjana Panić-Živković, Head of the Infrastructure Development and Sustainable Development Sector at the Regional Development Agency "South," Serbia.


Dear Users,

The Managing Authority has updated the version of JeMS to v.12.0.1-P which includes new features. 

For additional information, you can access the JeMS user manual HERE 

IMPORTANT: In the upper right corner of the User Manual page select the version you are working on (version 12)!