Alerts on Irregularities

Everyone has the right to lodge a complaint about irregularities and fraud, arising in the implementation of projects and programmes funded by the European Union. A definition of fraud and irregularities can be found HERE.

Pursuant to Decree № 18 of the Council of Ministers of 04.02.2003 on the establishment of a Coordination Council for the fight against infringements affecting the EU's financial interests, there are designated officers responsible for combating fraud and irregularities in the Directorate "Territorial Cooperation Management" .

These officers will review your alerts on irregularities and in the event that their credibility is confirmed, appropriate measures will be taken and a procedure for establishing, registering and reporting irregularities will be launched.

Alerts on Irregularities can be submitted anonymously. To constitute a credible problem, the information submitted should contain at least a clear reference to a specific project and a description of the irregularity.
When submitting a signal, please describe the irregularity as thoroghly as possible. Alerts submitted via the form below will be checked only if they are related to projects funded under the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, for which Directorate "Territorial Cooperation Management" is the Managing authority. If you would like to report a problem under another program for which Directorate "Territorial Cooperation Management" acts as Managing authority, National partner or responsible authority, or National Contact Point, please contact an Officer handling irregularities to receive instructions on how to do so.

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