Public tenders

Corrigendum and Clarifications (Q&A) regarding international open tender procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles"- BGRS0100003-TD03

Corrigendum and Clarifications (Q&A) regarding international open tender procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles"- BGRS0100003-TD03, under the project “Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region” is attached below.

International open tender procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles"

Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for emergency management has published tender dossier regarding International open tender procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professionals teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region".

Location: Serbia

Contracting authority: Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for emergency management

Prior information notice regarding international open tender procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles"

The prior information notice regarding the international open procedure "Procurement of specialized vehicles" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region" is attached below. 

Cancellation of a simplified tender procedure "Supply of technical equipment"

Cancellation notice of the two lots of a simplified tender procedure "Supply of technical equipment" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region" is attached below.