Integrated territorial stategy

Public consultations on the Guide for application with concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Serbia programme 2021-2027

The Operational Unit to the Strategy Board of the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Serbia Programme 2021-2027 published for public consultations the Application package of Call 1 for concept notes under the Territorial Strategy, which could be funded by Priority 2 "Integrated Development of Border Region". The focus of the call is on utilization of the touristic resources and improving the cross-border tourism marketing and branding practices.

Second meeting of the Strategy board under the cross-border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Serbia

How the projects will be selected for funding under Priority 2 "Integrated development of the border region" of the (INTERREG VI-A) IPA Bulgaria Serbia 2021-2027 Programme was the main topic of the second meeting of the Strategy board under the programme, held yesterday in Montana.

The members discussed and agreed on the basic approach of the Methodology for the identification of project ideas and the Guide for Application with concept notes.

Launch of a campaign for collecting project ideas that will be implemented under the Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures

The next 7 years the cross-border region between Bulgaria and Serbia will face a number of challenges that require a different, integrated response to territorial needs. In this regard, a campaign for collecting project ideas which will underpin the implementation of the Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures (TISM) of the programme for the period 2021-2027 has been launched.