
Explore cooperation, discover benefits – our soft projects in tourism

1,938,985 euros under the Priority axis "Tourism" have been invested to support the development of competitive cross-border tourism.

In Chiprovtsi (Bulgaria) and Pirot (Serbia), you can touch the beauty of traditional carpets in two studios where real local craftsmen demonstrate the art of carpet making - look for this tourist product under the name "The Carpet Tale".

REGIOSTARS Awards 2024

For the 16th time, the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission has organized the REGIOSTARS competition.

The prestigious award has become a benchmark for excellence in projects funded by the European Union that demonstrate the impact of regional development and the contribution to a better life for people.

In 2024, projects will compete in five categories:

Cancellation of a simplified tender procedure "Supply of technical equipment"

Cancellation notice of the two lots of a simplified tender procedure "Supply of technical equipment" under the project "Preparation of the population for actions in case of disasters and improvement of the capacity of the professional teams for response in case of emergency situations within the cross-border region" is attached below.

Важно за затварање програма 2014-2020 – Извјештавање и надокнада трошкова

Поштовани пројектни партнери,

У циљу обезбеђивања несметаног процеса затварања Интеррег ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Бугарска – Србија 2014-2020, Управљачко тело је развило следећи распоред везан за рокове у процесу верификације пријављених трошкова од стране корисника након завршетка имплементације пројекта:

∙ Крајњи рок за подношење захтева за првостепену контролу  од стране корисника – 10.01.2024;

∙ Одобрење Извештаја о напретку пројекта од стране Заједничког секретаријата  – 31.01.2024;