
Aжурирана верзија ЈеМС

Поштовани корисници, 

ЈеМС верзија је ажурирана. Нова в.12.0.1-П укључује нове функције. 

За додатне информације молимо вас да консултуjeте ЈеМС кориснички приручник ОВДЕ 

ВАЖНО: У горњем десном углу странице са корисничким приручником изаберите верзију са којом радите (верзија 12)!

Interreg Cooperation Day 2024

For 13 consecutive years, in over 30 countries across Europe, the European Territorial Cooperation programs INTERREG have been celebrating Interreg Cooperation Day. The initiative is dedicated to showcasing the positive results of joint efforts to address common challenges, the benefits achieved for regions along the internal and external borders of the European Union, and the trust and respect built among people from communities sharing a common space.

Анкета за заинтересоване стране програма: Ваше повратне информације су од суштинског значаја за наш Програм!

Управљачко тело Интеррег-ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Бугарска-Србија љубазно Вас позива да учествујете у онлајн анкети за праћење показатеља резултата који се користе за мерење остваривања специфичних циљева програма. Анкета ће бити отворена за све заинтересоване организације и појединце до 30 августа 2024.

Fourth meeting of the Strategy Board, April 3, Montana, Bulgaria

On April 3, the fourth meeting of the Strategic Board of the (INTERREG VI-A) Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027 Programme was held in Montana. 

The Strategic Board approved a list of project ideas and reserves that will improve regional competitiveness, including tourism.

The total budget of the project ideas from the approved list of the territorial strategy is 8 million and 530 thousand euros, and each project has a budget of up to 1 million euros. The implementation period is from 12 to 24 months.

The Path to Greener Tomorrow - European Declaration on Cycling

Yesterday, the European Council, the Commission and the Parliament jointly signed the European Declaration on Cycling, marking the official adoption of the first inter-institutional policy on cycling at European level, thus recognizing cycling as a full mode of transport.
With eight core principles and 36 commitments, it describes cycling as one of the "most sustainable, accessible and inclusive, low-cost and healthy forms of transport and recreation", highlighting its key importance for European society and economy.

Explore cooperation, discover benefits – our soft projects in tourism

1,938,985 euros under the Priority axis "Tourism" have been invested to support the development of competitive cross-border tourism.

In Chiprovtsi (Bulgaria) and Pirot (Serbia), you can touch the beauty of traditional carpets in two studios where real local craftsmen demonstrate the art of carpet making - look for this tourist product under the name "The Carpet Tale".